Effective date: Jun 01, 2021

IMPORTANT! If you are not of legal age to form a binding contract (in many places, this is 18 years old), then you must get your parent or guardian to read these terms and agree to them for you, before you use kidscando.online ("KCD") or provide any information to us. Please review this agreement with your parent or guardian so that you both understand how KCD works and what restrictions apply to your use of our websites and services. Remember, always get an adult’s permission before going online.


Thanks for using KCD! We’re glad you’re here, but there are some rules you need to agree to before you use our websites and services (“Services”). When we use the word “Services,” we mean not only the kidscando.online website.

This is a contract, right?

Yep – you’ve done your homework! These Terms of Service (the “Terms”) are a binding contract between you and KCD. You must agree and accept all of the Terms, or you don’t have the right to use the Services. Your using the Services in any way means that you agree to all of these Terms, and these Terms will remain in effect while you use the Services.

Our Services are constantly changing, to keep up with the dynamic needs of learners everywhere – so, these Terms might need to change, too. If they do change, we will do our best to tell you in advance by placing a notification on the kidscando.online website, or we might send you an email. In certain situations (for example, where a change to the Terms is necessary to comply with legal requirements), we may not be able to give you advance notice. 

If you don’t like the new Terms, you are free to reject them – unfortunately, that means you won’t be able to use the Services anymore. If you use the Services in any way after a change to the Terms is effective, then please remember that means you agree to all of the Terms.

Except for changes by us as described here, no other amendment or modification of these Terms will be effective unless in writing and signed by both you and us.

Do you care about my privacy?

KCD takes the privacy of its users very seriously. For the entire current KCD Privacy Policy.

Payment method

We accept the payment method via Paypal. You could pay it from your Paypal account or Credit card.


In case you are not satisfied with the course content, you can refund within 3 days after the payment time. We do not accept any refund request after 3 days.

Transfer the course

KDC does not allow purchasing a course and transferring to the other account. Therefore, you need to decide the learner at the time of purchasing for yourself or your kids before the payment time.